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Interview : COMA CINEMA

Coma Cinema, a young prodigy of the pop scene and not really known by the European public, is an exceptional musician. A bit perfectionist, he invites us into a relaxed universe and makes us dream throughout his albums. He agreed to answer some questions.

WAS : To begin with, can you introduce yourself ? 
Coma Cinema : Hi. My name is mat.

WAS : Can you explain how did you come to make music ?
C. C. : When I was 14 i ended up in a house that was isolated in the middle of nowhere with no records or anything to do. So I would sneak out of bed to play my dad's guitar that I wasn't supposed to touch.

WAS : Where does your nickname come from "Coma Cinema" ?
C. C. : I don't really remember.

WAS : What is the musical style you find the nearest to yours ?
C. C. : I just like to think of it as pop music. I think genres are insufficient in this modern age though.

WAS : Which artists inspires you ?
C. C. : Foxes in Fiction, Happy Trendy, Backseat Dreamer, Modern Man, Those Lavender Whales, Toro y Moi, my friends inspire me most of all.

WAS : How did you met these artists ? Like Toro y Moi who is just awesome. 
C. C. : I met a lot of them through touring the US, but I met toro while he was in his first band, who for the most part comprise his live band now. They're definitely one of my favorite bands.

WAS : Your videos are really cool. Do you find by yourself the inspiration for making your videos ?
C. C. : The only video i ever made by myself was "flower pills" but it took so long and made me so crazy I doubt I'll make a video again. I spent months shooting and freaking out over the editing. I'm a perfectionist with my songs but even more so with something like a video because it encompasses so much of the sensual spectrum that it's easy to make mistakes.

Coma Cinema - Flower Pills from Mat Cothran on Vimeo.

WAS : Tyler T Williams made the latest videos, how did the two of you met ?
C. C. : He wrote me and asked if he could make a video for my song. little did I know it would be so amazing and that we'd have such a great artistic connection. I consider him an integral part of what coma cinema is.

WAS : Can you tell me about your last record "Blue Suicide" ?
C. C. : It's my best record for sure. I feel like it flows a lot better than my other albums. I guess all my albums are very loose concept records, and if I had to decide the theme of "blue suicide" I would say it's a record about being angry.

WAS : Do you remember the first time you played ? Which date is your best musical memory ?
C. C. : The first time I played a show I was 15 or so and I was shaking from nervousness playing acoustic guitar while my friend played a drum machine by hand, it was probably a very awkward experience for the 7 or so people who attended. I'd say our best show was our last show, my band gets better every time.

WAS : Do you have any plans for the future you would like to tell us about ?
C. C. : We're going on tour in june in throughout the eastern half of the united states. We hope to come to europe someday. I'm almost finished with the follow up to "blue suicide", which is an EP called Empty Palace.

WAS : The last but not the least... Anything to add ?
C. C. : Do more drugs. Art belongs to everyone. Digital music should always be free. Don't vote.

Coma Cinema - Blissed from Tyler T Williams on Vimeo.


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