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Interview : SLOW MAGIC

Slow Magic is an unknown imaginary friend who makes music for love. Dream or reality, his music inspires every people who listen to it. He agreed to answer some questions...

WAS : Nobody knows who you are, nobody knows where you are. 
Also, can you lie to me about your identity? 
Slow Magic : No, I do not lie.

WAS : Why do you protect your indentity? Are you a criminal? 
Slow Magic : The main reason for hiding my identity is to make music the main focus of the project. I think it is important that people notice the music first instead of a face or a location.

WAS : How did you come to make music? 
Slow Magic : I've been making music since I was very young. I used to record my own songs and make radio shows on cassettes.

WAS : What does mean this mask when you play? 
Slow Magic : The mask is part of the visual aesthetic that I want to create when people come to see me play.

WAS : What is the musical style you find the nearest to yours? Which artist(s) inspires you?
Slow Magic : I like any music that tells a vivid story or moves you. I just got back from a short tour with teen daze, Giraffage, and The One Am Radio. All of them inspire me.

WAS : Can you tell me more about your music, what feelings did you want your listeners to have?
Slow MagicI like to try to capture moods or mindsets even in mostly instumental music. I think music is a powerful force and is an important part of everyones life. My dream is that my music can remind people of beauty or love.

WAS : When was your best musical memory? 
Slow Magic : My favorite musical memory is probably playing on the street downtown to strangers.

WAS : Can you tell me more about this video? (And the other videos) Did you make these videos alone? 
Slow Magic : A few talented friends helped me make this video: Sneaky Boy Studios.

WAS : What do you do when you don't make music? 
Slow Magic : Make friends and make art.

WAS : Anything to add?
Slow MagicI am working on a new album and will be touring England, Ireland, Germany, and Sweden in August. 


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