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Markus Mehta is a Munich-based producer,  his obsession for electronic sounds took him far away, he traveled a lot and released a bunch of tracks. He agreed to answer some questions...

WAS : First, can you describe yourself? 
Markus Mehta : Interested in the various technics of making people dance. Passion for playing, making and sharing music. Love to travel.

WAS : How did you come to make music?
Markus Mehta : After being a dj for many years it was the natural way forward. Finding another way to express myself and my ideas.

WAS : What is the musical style the nearest to yours? Which artist(s) inspires you?
Markus Mehta : I get inspired by all kinds of things, not necessary a particular artist. I listen to a lot of various styles of music. Jazz, Hip-Hop, Electronica but of course my main focus lies on House and Techno. I am inspired by people who make music for the right reasons. The early concepts and ideology behind Detroit Techno are still inspiring to me today. 

WAS : What feelings did you want your listener to have?
Markus Mehta : This solely depends on the listener. I only know what I feel when I am creating. Once the message is sent out, it's up to the listener to interpret it. That's one of the beauties of art. 

WAS : What do you do when you don't make music?
Markus Mehta : I am also very much interested in technology and photography. I am exploring these things constantly. Aside from that, very normal things - spending time with friends, doing some sports, cooking, reading, watching movies and trying to stay as balanced as possible.

WAS : I saw you traveled a lot, what was your favorite place? 
Markus Mehta : My favorite place has to be Japan. I've traveled to Japan twice so far and I can not wait to go back. The way the Japanese people enjoy music is very special. Also the culture, food and landscapes fascinate me. I feel very comfortable there.

WAS : The worst...
Markus Mehta : Mostly not so nice people and various negative circumstances leave a bad taste with you when traveling. Other then that I have not visited the worst place yet.

WAS : The funnier...
Markus Mehta : The most fun you always have when you can share the experiences you are having on travels with friends. Having friends with you can make the worst trip a lot more fun.

WAS : The best... moment/thing during a gig?
Markus Mehta : There is a very special moment that I always try to create when playing. The moment when I feel it clicked between the audience and myself. It's a magical moment when I know that they now trust me to take them on a journey. 

WAS : Can you tell me more about your last release "changing places" with Alec Chizhik?
Markus Mehta : Changing Places is a three track EP that recently came out on Takt records, which is run by Frederic Berger (Kaiserdisco) and Andrea Engels (Blu Fin). The mission was to match deep and driving melodies, soulful vocals and raw pulsing beats and bass. 

WAS : How did you meet him? 
Markus Mehta : Alec is a very old friend of mine, we've met when we were teenagers. Going to parties together and being infected by the Techno bug around the same time. He is a classical trained musician and taught me a lot about the process of writing music.

WAS : Any plans for the future?
Markus Mehta : In September our new collaboration the "Balance EP" will be released on the Canadian Monique Spéciale label, a sub label of Monique Musique. I am currently also working on new solo material and some remixes. 

WAS : Anything to add? 
Markus Mehta : Keep up the good work with your blog and thank you for having me.


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