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Downstate is a Shangai-Based musician of misleading appearances : 
his music sounds like electronica with ambient vibes. 
He's a real scientist, he makes noises in his favorite laboratory : 
the dark corner of his bedroom. 

WAS : Hello, to begin with, can you introduce yourself? 
Downstate : Hi, I'm Downstate. My life basically consists of making humble electronic noises, and eating kids cereal and pancakes. And drinking tea.

WAS : First, can you describe your music? 
Downstate : I usually describe it as 'Drowning'. It's just the word that I think suits the sound i make. I think its a combination of eerie and meloncholic at the same time maybe. Genre-wise i would 'Genre-less'.

WAS : How did you end up in this kind of music? 
Downstate : I grew up sharing a room with my older brother. So when i was 10 or 11, the only music i'd really listen to on a regular basis would be his. Early Aphex, Orbital, Board Of Canada, The Cure, Psy-Trance, Jungle, Happy Hardcore. I was always very into music from then on. Started DJ'ing from about 15, mostly drum n bass and some progressive house. Few years after that I started making music after getting shown Fruity loops and I've been making music ever since. 
Downstate never required much inception or thought in terms of what it was going to sound like. I've always just made music i liked myself, and it's kind of gone down different avenues now and then but always kept the same vibe.
Most of my early stuff is electronica/IDM i guess. I suppose about 3 years ago I heard this 'Witch - house' thing or whatever you want to call it and was instantly drawn to it.
For me i was thinking 'woah you can play shit this weird and wavy in clubs at 1am and people like it!'. It made me start DJ'ing again proper and doing live sets and hearing more music in clubs.

That was good for me, took me out of still making mid-90's Autechre music in my bedroom and into something that was a natural progression really. 
And now i think its cool, that there are so many good producers really mxing genres. Also the scope of what you'd call 'Bass music'  is really diverse now. Its nice to see people playing sets across different tempos and shit, mostly im always partial to slow music so i love all the stuff thats been growing since labels like Tri-Angle records emerged. jesus, thats like my life story, sorry its 4am and im pretty stoned haha. 

WAS : Haha, no problem. What inspires you around you to make music?
Downstate : I dont't really know. But the end of every day i just want to sit in a dark room wtith a cup of tea and make something. I guess the music just reflects the way im feeling at that specific time. I dont get out much and do my best to avoid social engagements because im a hermit, so I make these songs to let people know im still alive.

WAS : ...And for the pictures on your records?
Downstate : The art for the latest record is a picture from my music room at 4am. Often i just use a photo of the same vibe as the music if im not getting a real artist that knows what they're doing to do it haha.

WAS : I noticed a difference between your music (Electronica, Glitch, 8-bit, IDM, Ambient) and the image that you show to your listeners (Dark, satanic, or your profil picture...). How can you explain that ?
Downstate : What's my profile picture ? ...Probably my black metal halloween costume haha. I dont know really. I wouldnt describe any of it as satanic or even occulty myself. But I do like using images that are kind of vague and gothic for the recent music ive put out. These last 2 years i think the music's got a bit more ominous and eerie sounding a lot of the time. Its a lot less chimey, no glitch or 8 bit twinkly stuff. But mostly it's just because im a hipster and wanted to use the Burzum font for my logo and spooky pictures haha.

WASDo you remember the first record you ever bought ?
Downstate : Phil Collins - Carousel. I remember i bought it in a petrol station with my parents. Still i can redeem myself with my first vinyl that was The Cure - High. I left it on my dads player in the sun an hour later and it warped and wouldn't play. I think I might have actually cried a little bit.

WAS : What do you do when you don't make music? 
Downstate : Listen to music, watch horror movies, take photo's, think about making music.

WASDo you have any plans for the future you would like to tell us about ?
Downstate : Nothing concrete. Just going to keep making music and putting it out there.

WAS : Anything to add? :-)
Downstate Thanks to anyone thats read all this shit and a bigger thanks to anyone thats listening. Peace  


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