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Interview : WE ARE PIRATES

WAS : First, can you introduce yourself ? 
We Are Pirates : We are Ricardo Vieira (20), Joao Paulo Dalla (19) and Bruno Moreira (22). We live in Colatina, a small city in Brazil. We love to live here and and almost don't go out of town.

WAS : How did you come to make music together ?
WAP : We are friends since 2006 and started making music together, first because we have the same musical taste and then because don't have a lot of things to do here. 

WAS : Do you like pirates ?
WAP : Yeah! Do you know One-Eyed Willy? We love him. 

WAS : Can you tell me more about your track "Canyon" ?
WAPCanyon is our first track as We are Pirates. That's a very simple song we made in our bedroom and it's like a soundtrack of a view. We made it using a computer, a very cheap keyboard and a microphone found in a bus by a friend of João. 

WAS : And "Running" ? 
WAP"Running" is another bedroom song. It was made using the same cheap keyboard, the same mic and an old guitar that my dad gave me (Ricardo) when I was about 14 years old. That's the way we make our songs. We don't like to explain the songs, cause this could limit your mind of do your own interpretations.

WAS : What is the musical style you find the nearest to yours ?
WAP : Actually, we never know to answer this question. We just make music the way we feel. [: 

WAS : Which artist(s) inspires you ?
WAP : We like to listen stuff like The Stone Roses, Goldfrapp, Galaxie 500...

WAS : When was your best musical memory ?
WAP : It's hard to answer that question at the moment because we are together about only one month, but we're really liking all the feedback about our songs! 

WAS : Do you have any plans for the future you would like to tell us about ? News tracks ? A first album ?
WAP : Yes, We are currently preparing a 5-track EP 'Kids Practice' to release in early 2012.  It's sounding good! 

WAS Anything to add ? 
WAP : Sorry, definitely we are not that good on words! and Thank you for the space!



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